"Car Gremlins" are real

The engine compartment of Toyota Prius.

The engine compartment of Toyota Prius.

"Car Gremlins" are real. They're taking residence in your car's engine compartment and chewing on wiring, hoses, plastic, and other critical car parts.

Critter-inflicted damage is an age-old problem that is increasing as cars sit idle for extended periods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rodents like to sharpen their teeth on your car's electrical wires and enjoy feasting on plant-based biodegradable materials that are prevalent on newer vehicles.

Since May, we have seen small furry creatures chewing through power steering lines, filling engine intakes with acorns, and plugging up air-conditioning ducts with their nests. Oh my.

What can you do?

Honda has found a smart solution that could also apply to most vehicles: rodent-deterrent tape. Essentially an electrical tape treated with super-spicy capsaicin pepper and can be used to wrap up any trouble areas. The tape (part number 4019-2317) is available through dealers, and you'll also find it online.

Other suggestions for dealing with rodents under your hood include installing a metal mesh around wiring harnesses and trouble areas. Or you could put mouse poison mixed with peanut butter around your garage for a more severe solution.


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Luis Lopez